About us
Located in Winnipeg, Diversity World is a small training and consulting company. For over 10 years, we have been supporting companies and organizations throughout North America to increase workforce diversity by assisting people with employment barriers to enter or re-enter the workforce. Here in Manitoba, we have a special initiative, Ability Axis, which is focused on increasing the workforce participation rate of Manitobans with disabilities.
Our efforts are guided by three basic beliefs:
- It doesn’t make sense to “sideline” Manitoban’s with disabilities – incurring the expense of supporting them through public assistance, while losing out on the contribution they could be making to our economy.
- As our economy grows, and we face a severe labour shortage, we need to engage the productivity all Manitobans.
- Manitobans who are born with or acquire disabilities should no longer have their future careers and livelihoods limited by policies or practices which are based on discriminatory attitudes, restrictive environments, or erroneous information.
Read our Five Basic Facts/Three Beliefs document.
Our highest visibility event is the annual Ability Axis Employment Expo. But, we are engaged, throughout the year, in related efforts…
Providing Information and Networking Services
- Using our website, RSS Feed, Newsletter, and Twitter & Facebook accounts, we regularly keep our network aware of important developments, events, articles, videos and other resources that influence job and career opportunities for Manitobans with disabilities.
Participation on Provincial Government Committees:
Selectively, and only when we believe we can make a contribution that will advance employment opportunities for people with disabilities, we accept invitations to join advisory committees. We currently participate on:
- Manitoba Career Development Advisory Committee
- Sustainable Employment Advisory Committee
- Joint Community and Government Members Committee on Disability-Related Employment and Income Assistance Issues
Actively Engagement in Collaborative Groups
We are actively involved in the following groups:
- Multi-Sector Committee on Employment for Persons with Disabilities (MSC)
- Manitoba Supported Employment Network (MSEN)
- Manitoba Employment Equity Practitioners Association (MEEPA)
- Winnipeg Organization of Recruitment Coordinators (WORC) – (We additionally developed & maintain their website and social networking sites.)
Special Initiatives – 2013
Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) - On behalf of the Multi-Sector Committee on Employment for Persons with Disabilities, we applied for a grant to develop a website and resources to promote the month and the related annual Career Exploration Week for people with disabilities (held as part of DEAM).
Training Seminars– In May, 2013, we held two half-day seminars with internationally renowned speaker, Richard Pimentel. Entitled Making a Difference,the morning seminar, Demystifying Diversity and Disability, was particularly targeted at the interests of employers. The afternoon seminar, Working with Employers, was more focused on the interests of community employment agencies.
Special Initiatives – 2012
Manitoba Skills Summit – The November 2012 Throne Speech, contained an alert that, by 2020, Manitoba needs to increase its net workforce by 75,000 workers. To address this issue, a special Skills Summit was announced, to be convened by the Premier’s Council on Economic Development. When Manitobans with disabilities were not included in the groups that would be considered as possible new sources of workers, we spearheaded a short campaign that resulted in an invitation for us to sit on the Steering Committee for the Summit. Further, the attention that we drew to this issue resulted in 10 out of 120 invited Summit attendees, being people with disabilities or professionals from agencies that provide employment/career support to Manitobans with disabilities.
Training Seminar – In October, 2012 we held a two-day Beyond Traditional Job Development seminar to assist job developers, from a wide variety of Manitoba agencies, to better connect their job seekers with employers in their communities.
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